Sunday, October 17, 2010

Logo Project 7. Xynn Simfiles (Final version)

Final version. Basically just pieced everything together in photoshop. Download fonts for "ynn" and "simfiles". The arrow was duplicated. Colors were changed in both illustrations as well.

Logo project 6. Illustrated arrow

The arrow after it had gone through illustrator.

Logo Project 5. Arrow scan

This arrow will be the second hand drawn element in my logo.

Logo Project 4. "X" illustation

The letter X after I put it through Illustrator.

Logo Project 3. Scan "X"

This X will be for the word "Xynn". It is the first of two hand draw elements I will have in my logo

Logo project 2. Backdrop

I decided that rather than make my entire logo hand drawn, I would make some features in Illustrators/Photoshop, and some other elements by hand. This backdrop was done in Illustrator. The word "simfiles" is only there as a place holder for where the finalized version will be in the finished product.

Logo Project 1. 10 logos